Absolute Necessities
- New textbook aligned to the standards.
- Our school district has cut basically every dime in textbooks. So, I have textbooks that I hate that are not aligned to the current standards. Although I am not a textbook teacher, I still would like a resource to write decent lessons.
- Whiteboard
- I have a whiteboard in the back of the room, but it's not where students can see without turning their heads. I have a shower panel board that is a makeshift whiteboard. Some colors will not erase, and I have to clean it every single day. It was installed in August, and it already has several scratches on it. I am sure if I want another one, I will have to buy it out of my own pocket.
- New desks
- I am sure the majority of the desks are as old as I am . Some of them have been welded together several, several times as a way to repair them.
- New calculators
- I would love TI-84 CEs. We have the TI-83 and TI-N-Spire with TI-84 faceplates. We used the TI-83 when I was in high school. I am almost 27.
- New test generator
- Our test generator is from 2009, and it will not even install on my personal laptop because it is so out of date. Does anyone have a spare that is aligned to the CCSS that I could borrow?
Almost Necessities
- Laptops for every student (I would be more than grateful for a math department mobile lab) .
- Our school has one computer lab for the entire school, and another lab that is also a classroom for three blocks a day. Our library has about 7-8 computers, and the "mobile lab" is completely broken. There are so many activities that I could do if I had computers, but I can't. Therefore, my kids are getting shafted.
- New mini-whiteboards
- Mine are in ok shape, but they will eventually give out.