Sunday, July 28, 2019

2019-2020 Classroom Photos

Well, I am back for a second year at my school, and we have our first day with students tomorrow. So, I figured it would be easiest for me to share photos of my classroom via the blog.

I am teaching an AVID class this year (and for the next four), so I wanted to display some pennants. Maybe your alma mater is in our collection. I wrote many colleges asking for pennant donations, and I had a decent response rate! My wife made a couple of things on here Cricut, and I have to add a couple more touches, but it's nearly complete! :) Let me know what you think!

The far left pennants are the schools from which I graduated. 

The pennants from Dartmouth and Columbia were purchased by our AVID program. The rest were all donated! 

My father-in-law found this frame at a dumpsite. We made it into a whiteboard. 

I have to give credit to my great colleague for the idea, but I added a couple of touches to make it my own.  My wife also helped majorly! 

Edulastic Extravaganza Contest!

Hello All, As you may or may not know, I am a member of the Edulastic Innovator Team. Edulastic is featuring a Edulastic Extravaganza Cont...