Saturday, October 8, 2016

Visual Patterns Task Project

Ah, fall break! It is here! However, I really want to share a project that my kids did with you guys and tell how it worked in my class! We had been working on arithmetic and geometric sequences as well as arithmetic series and other types of patterns in my Algebra 2 classes. Since we had midterms this past week, I didn't want to give a written quiz about sequences and series as well as a midterm. Plus I tried to take into account that my students had three other midterms in addition to my class. So, I had an epiphany one afternoon to have students write their own math tasks using patterns that were available on Visual Patterns.

I created a Google Doc with the requirements, and then I attached an example task for students to look at and use. Then students created their task and answer key on the following pages and return to me via Google Classroom so that way I could give feedback. Some of the students struggled with coming up with questions, but I thought that this would be good for students, as many haven't had many opportunities to craft their own questions. I did help a few students come up with some questions, and several students asked for my feedback on questions. I had 100% participation, especially since it counted as a quiz grade (and quizzes/tests are 70% of a student's grade in class).

I really liked this project, and I will definitely use it again. A couple of things that I would change would be creating a more concrete rubric (yet I loved just being able to give feedback). I would also give students a more extended period of time to complete, such as a day or so. I would also be more specific with questions and encourage students to craft their own questions.

I am attaching the Google Doc with the requirements for the assignment as well as my example task. I am also attaching a few of the exemplar projects from my students, all of whom granted me permission to post. Let me know if you have any questions about this task. Also, I would love to know if you use the task in your classroom, and whether it was a success or not. Furthermore, I would love some feedback to help improve the project.

Visual Patterns Task Assignment

Student Exemplars


Edulastic Extravaganza Contest!

Hello All, As you may or may not know, I am a member of the Edulastic Innovator Team. Edulastic is featuring a Edulastic Extravaganza Cont...